The economic landscape has quickly changed over the past couple of years, and at Adecco, we understand the importance of staying updated. That's why our 2024 salary calculator is better than ever before.

We have meticulously gathered salary data for over 1,900 roles spanning across 38 industries and 39 locations in Canada. To provide you with a comprehensive view, we've segmented the numbers by three different organization sizes, based on annual revenue. The result? The most accurate and up-to-date information on salaries, all conveniently available here.

Whether you're an employer looking to ensure your compensation strategy attracts and retains top talent in the face of inflation and a possible recession, or a job candidate striving for a fair contract, our salary calculator equips you with the knowledge you need.

Access this up-to-the-minute, on-the-pulse information with a simple click. Your path to salary insights is just a few clicks away.

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